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Version: 4.0.4-rc1

SCIM - Example messages


Minimal request for creating a user, username is the only mandatory field.


HTTP POST: https://<domainUri>/Users

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],
"externalId": "external",
"userName": "sid",
"name": {
"formatted": "formatted",
"givenName": "givenName",
"middleName": "middleName",
"familyName": "familyName"


"id": "6dc4ceb0-b376-4d4c-9ef0-e6c25e359754",
"userName": "sid",
"name": {
"formatted": "formatted",
"givenName": "givenName",
"middleName": "middleName",
"familyName": "familyName"
"groups": [],
"photos": [],
"roles": [],
"emails": [],
"x509Certificates": [],
"ims": [],
"addresses": [],
"entitlements": [],
"phoneNumbers": [],
"meta": {
"resourceType": "User",
"created": "2023-06-12T11:12:45.0268402Z",
"lastModified": "2023-06-12T11:12:45.0269172Z",
"version": 0,
"location": "https://localhost:5003/Users/6dc4ceb0-b376-4d4c-9ef0-e6c25e359754"
"externalId": "external",
"schemas": [

GET User

Get one user


HTTP GET: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

Search users


HTTP GET: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users?filter=(emails[type eq "home"]) and (active eq false)

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

The filter parameter must contain at least one valid expression. Each expression must contain an attribute name followed by an attribute operator and optional value.

The operators supported in the expression are listed below :

eqequalThe attribute and operator values must be identical for a match.
nenot equalThe attribute and operator values are not identical.
cocontainsThe entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value for a match.
swstarts withThe entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. The criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
ewends withThe entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, matching at the end of the attribute value. The criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
prpresent (has value )If the attribute has a non-empty or non-null value, or if it contains a non-empty node for complex attributes, there is a match.
gtgreater thanIf the attribute value is greater than the operator value, there is a match.
ltless thanIf the attribute value is less than the operator value, there is a match.
leless than or equal toIf the attribute value is less than or equal to the operator value, there is a match.



HTTP DELETE: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

PATCH user

Add one email address


HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "add",
"path": "emails",
"value": [
"primary": true,
"value": "",
"type": "home"

Remove one email address


HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "remove",
"path": "emails[type eq home]"

Update Family name


HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Users/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "name.familyName",
"value": "newfamilyname"

ADD Group

Request used for creating a group, displayName is the only mandatory field.


HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Groups

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],
"displayName": "administrator"


Assign one user to a group


HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Groups/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "add",
"path": "members",
"value": {
"value": "{{userId}}"

The user representation will contain a reference to the group in its groups property.

Remove a user from a group

HTTP PATCH: https://<domainUri>:5003/Groups/<id>

Authorization: Bearer ba521b3b-02f7-4a37-b03c-58f713bf88e7

"schemas": [
"Operations": [
"op": "remove",
"path": "members[value eq {{userId}}]"