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Version: 4.0.4-rc1

Grant Management for OAuth 2.0

The FAPI specification introduces the concept of a Grant Management API as part of its security profile.

The FAPI Grant Management API provides a standardized approach to managing and controlling authorization grants in the context of financial-grade applications.

The basic design principle is that creation and update of grants is always requested using an OAuth authorization request while querying the status of a grant and revoking it are performed using the new Grant Management API.

According to the specification, a grant consists of scopes, claims, and authorization_details.

Here is a high-level overview of the typical flow:

  1. Create grant : The client application sends an authorization request to the authorization server, including the query parameter grant_management_action with the value create.
  2. Get the grant identifier : The client application utilizes the authorization code grant type to obtain an access token. Upon successful completion, the authorization server returns a grant_id, which will be used to manage the grant associated with the authorization.
  3. Get a grant : The client application utilizes the grant_id to retrieve a grant from the Grant endpoint.

The client can utilize the new authorization request parameter called grant_management_action to update a grant. It can have one of the following values

createCreate a fresh grant
mergeMerge the permissions consented by the resource owner
replaceChange the grant to be only the permissions requested by the client and consented by the resource owner