Introducing the First Open Source Identity and Access Management Solution Developed with .NET
Why SimpleIdServer
SimpleIdServer is the first Free Open Source Identity Management solution using .NET.The comparison table was written on Septembre 25, 2024.
The Dotnet template tool is utilized for swiftly installing a local version.
The Docker-compose file enables the rapid deployment of a local version
Featured Capabilities
Single-Sign On
User authentication and authorization mechanism that allows individuals to access multiple applications or systems with just one set of login credentials.
Identity Management
Manage the lifecycle of digital identities within an organization. To accomplish this, we have chosen SCIM Version 2.0 as the preferred protocol for identity management.
Identity Provisioning
Refers to the process of creating, modifying, and managing user identities and their associated access privileges within an organization's systems and applications.
Financial-grade API (FAPI)
Set of standards and guidelines developed by the OpenID Foundation to enhance the security and interoperability of APIs in the financial industry.
Verifiable Credential Issuer
Entity or organization that issues digital credentials in a verifiable and tamper-proof format, for examples educational degrees, professional certifications or government-issued identification documents.
SimpleIdServer has introduced the concept of realms, which serves the purpose of segregating various resources, including clients and users, into distinct realms.
Mobile Application
The mobile application can function as an authentication device, utilizing public-key encryption as outlined in the FIDO U2F authentication standard.
Electronic wallet
The mobile application can be used as an electronic wallet that complies with the EBSI standard.
Open Standards
OpenID is a widely used federated identity standard for web-based applications.
OAuth is utilized to authenticate an individual using a mobile device or to authenticate software—identity is not exclusive to humans.
A set of standards enables the hardware, operating system, browser, and identity provider to authenticate a person using phishing-resistant, client-side biometrics.
SAML, the XML federation predecessor of OpenID Connect, is primarily used by SaaS and older web-based enterprise applications for Single Sign-On (SSO).

The SCIM protocol is an application-level REST protocol for provisioning and managing identity data on the web.

The first public sector blockchain infrastructure in Europe is used by public institutions from different countries to build and issue verifiable credentials, such as diplomas and driving licenses.